Techichi Maya:
Chihuahua Kennel of Rare Colors
Welcome to Techichi Maya Kennel
We are happy to greet you in our kennel. We would like to present you the smallest, gorgeous and one of the smartest dogs breeds in the world—Chihuahua. We extremely respect Chihuahua breed and try to have ones of the best exemplars of Chihuahua in our kennel. We are passionate about Chihuahua and believe that Chihuahua can make people and families happier. Just one meeting with a representative of Chihuahua breed makes you understand that Chihuahua is everything that you have ever dreamed about.
General Information
In our kennel we have representatives not just from Estonia, but also from Belgium, Finland, Netherlands, Russia and Germany. We cooperate with different Chihuahua kennels around the world and would like to share our experiences with our partners, friends and people who love Chihuahua. Our partners are our friends and we try to share our best experiences with each other. We put a special attention on our dog’s health and living conditions. It is the reason why our dogs and puppies have very good pedigrees and strong health.
I hope everything is fine with you. I just wanted to share with you how it has been going with Hugo. My daughters renamed him as Rufus when he arrived, although I liked a lot also the name Hugo ❤ He has grown very well and is energetic, playful, very loving and happy little dog. He has absolutely fantastic character and he learns really fast. He has also stayed healthy and has adapted well with all the food options, although prefers to eat home made food. After the first two days he has slept throughout the nights, has been tidy inside after 5 months and comes well along with other dogs and people, although does not like everyone:) He has been an absolutely fantastic and perfect dog, has brought lots of joy into our lives and is loved very much.
Thank you again for this fantastic puppy and all the best,
Это был маленький, невесомый, глазастый комочек. Кажется, что мы испугались, увидев друг друга. Но, несмотря на свой возраст, а было ей всего два месяца, девчонка уже была приучена к пеленке и сразу определилась с местом приёма пищи. Марина (Techichi Maya Kennel ) всегда была на связи и терпеливо отвечала на каждый вопрос и доходчиво всё объясняла. Сейчас этот комочек превратился в шикарную красавицу. Это преданный друг, добрая, ласковая, любвеобильная и бесстрашная член семьи, готовая защищать своих хозяев, чего бы это ей не стоило. Она умная и послушная. Выполняет различные команды — танцует, поёт и даже считает до двух 😊 Спасибо, Techichi Maya , за это чудо по имени Бонита! ❤
Here is a brief review of the puppy. Tico is really Beautiful puppy! He captured the hearts of our family and became a family member. Great color and good nature. A lively playful puppy, a real companion dog.